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deep tissue massage

Unlike the common misconception, massage is not something that is new to the beauty world. in fact, its origin is solely for medicinal purposes. Now there are many kinds of massages that deal with the body’s medical and beauty needs. One such massage is deep tissue massage Seattle. Blue Lotus Spa is proud to offer the true essence of deep tissue massage to its Seattle clients. So, if you are experiencing muscle strain, knots, adhesions, or any such thing, this massage is for you. 

How deep tissue massage is your perfect choice?

We understand that you may have questions about this massage. As there are many types of massages, what is good or different about this massage? Well, this is you who has to determine the kind of massage that will suit you the best. Let’s say you are not fond of harsh massages and you don’t have any such muscle issues then Swedish massage is your best choice. However, if you want to cater to your body issues then services like deep tissue massage Tukwila are your best friend. 

Some of the ways in which deep tissue massage is helpful for you are;

1. Pain alleviation

Deep tissue massage is particularly helpful for alleviating chronic pain, muscular tension, and stiffness because it targets the deepest levels of muscles and connective tissues. It can relieve tension headaches and migraines by focusing on muscular tightness in the neck and shoulders.

2. Muscle rehabilitation

It can help with muscle rehabilitation by breaking down scar tissue and boosting recovery. This massage is a great way to boost the cell activity of a certain area. By improving blood circulation this massage increases the oxygen and nutrient-carrying capacity. It is of great help when muscle rehabilitation is in question. 

3. Stress reduction

Massage pressure can increase the release of serotonin and oxytocin, lowering stress and boosting relaxation. These hormones also known as happy hormones instantly lift the mood. So, apart from the medicinal perks, deep tissue massage is also a great way to have a break from your routine life stress. 

4. Injury prevention

Deep tissue massages on a regular basis can help avoid injuries by preserving muscular flexibility and lowering the chance of strains and sprains. Especially if you are an athlete then having occasional massage services like deep tissue massage Seattle can work wonders for you.

5. Posture improvement

It improves posture by releasing stiff muscles, allowing for better alignment and less pressure on the body. In particular, neck and shoulder muscles are massaged to ease the pressure on their muscles. This significantly improves overall posture. 

6. Improving flexibility

Deep tissue massage can improve joint flexibility and general mobility by removing muscle knots and adhesions. These muscle knots and adhesions mostly form because of our routine. Whether you are doing a sedentary job or a physical one, you seriously affect your body by keeping yourself in one posture for quite a while. Thus, having occasional deep tissue massage can help with the flexibility of your muscles and joints.

7. Improves blood circulation

Deep tissue massage can improve blood circulation, which may aid in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues. It not only helps with the treatment of scarred tissues and muscle adhesions. But also, it works wonders for your immunity system. It improves the production of WBCs and helps a great deal in improving immunity.

8. Toxin clearance

Massage can help in the clearance of metabolic waste and toxins from the body, resulting in better overall health. this detoxifying property of this massage helps you get rid of all kinds of toxins and metabolic wastes from your body. This could save you from a plethora of problems. So, having this massage is a great way to guarantee a healthy lifestyle.  

9. Emotional release

As physical relaxation can lead to mental and emotional comfort, some people feel emotional release during deep tissue massage. Certain pressure used in this massage is a great way to focus on the touch and feel you will experience while getting this massage. Thus, you can easily put a stop to the thoughts that are making your head foggy. 

Need for the right massage therapist

After everything you need to know that without the right massage therapist, you can’t have the true essence of this massage. that’s why Blue Lotus Spa is offering its Massage Therapist Tukwila service. In which you can have a qualified massage therapist for the kind of massage you may want. We can give you the assurance that you will get the true essence of the massage regardless of the massage you may want to take from us. 

So, long story short, give us a chance to provide you with a deep tissue massage that will work on point for all your concerns. To make a booking with us, you can reach us anytime.

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